our vision

“A just society … as long as it takes.”

the democratic creed

All people are created equal.

This is America’s fundamental ideal.

America is a democracy, by and for the people:

Ruled by the Constitution and its interpretations, protected by the Bill of Rights, and inspired by the Declaration of Independence.

These founding documents demand Freedom, Justice and Opportunity for all Americans …

… in full and equal measures, regardless of who you are, what you believe, or where you live.

14 states, 61 counties and 13 organizations have adopted the Democratic Creed

What you can do

Read the book!

Democrats 101 is about an idea: that we need to see our future in bigger terms than politics and campaigns. Democrats 101 is about starting a national discussion, a movement by rank and file to put us on the proper path to navigate the uncertainty that is going to surround us for the next twenty years. Read the first chapter here!

Adopt the Democratic Creed

This is about spreading an idea, and spreading it directly to the millions of other people exactly like you. Your public statement of support is an extremely effective way of making others stop and think, and then join in. We are a community of Democrats, people exactly like you, and this is one big way to make people understand that.

Donate to Democrats 101

Your donation supports a vision: making our core values our identity as a party, then establishing us as a moral force in the eyes of the American public. Every dollar you donate will go towards spreading this message around the country, and nothing else. We have one simple goal, to make this our party’s identity: a just society … as long as it takes.